Good News for the Holidays
Hello friend, I hope this finds you well as the holiday season is upon us and we gather together to celebrate. It is a time of great joy...
Quick Announcements: TV and Podcast Interviews
Happy Friday! Just a couple quick announcements... A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog post with a link to a TV station in Austria that...
Monthly Encouragement: Overcoming Confusion and Frustration
Time never stops, does it? Here we are already near the end of 2015! Maybe I’m a little premature because we still have a month left to...
Happy Thanksgiving, and an Important Announcement!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you. Truly. Thank you for encouraging me, reading my posts and giving me the chance to share my...
Encouragement for November: Do Yourself a Favor, and Just Ask
Two summers ago I read a book called The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter - And How to Make the Most of Them. One of the...
Encouragement for October: Remember to Breathe
Now that we’re pretty much full swing into the new school year, how are you doing? Compared to the summer, how's your workload? Maybe...
Encouragement for September: Every Season Has Its Perks
I’ve finally accepted the truth. It’s over. Summer’s over. (cringe) I tried to ignore the signs – the leaves changing color, the days...
Encouragement for August: Listen to Your Heart
Ever get an idea to do something, that keeps coming back? No, not that one about mailing a birthday card to that person whose birthday...
Encouragement for July: How the Night Sky Can Relieve Your Anxiety
One night recently I began feeling discouraged and worried about not being where I wanted to be in my career and it caused me to...
Encouragement for June
Everybody has to work, and all work involves some tasks we simply don't want to do, like paperwork, cleaning up messes, working late to...