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Multiple Myeloma

Fruits from the Arctium lappa (burdock root) plant have been shown to be cytotoxic to multiple myeloma cells!!  It also enhanced the activity of the treatment bortezomib.

Study - Arctiin Is a Pharmacological Inhibitor of STAT3 Phosphorylation at Tyrosine 705 Residue and Potentiates Bortezomib-Induced Apoptotic and Anti-Angiogenic Effects in Human Multiple Myeloma Cells

"Arctiin exerted cytotoxicity in MM cells...[and] down-modulated diverse oncogenic gene products regulated by STAT3, although the induction of apoptosis by arctiin was abrogated upon transfection with pMXs-STAT3C in mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells. Arctiin also potentiated bortezomib-induced antitumor effects in U266 cells."

This study below showed a correlation between a higher intake of fruit and a lower risk for MM. It would then make sense that fruit could help with the disease regression!

Study - Dietary Intake Is Associated With Risk of Multiple Myeloma and Its Precursor Disease

Spontaneous Remission Cases:

Spontaneous remission in a patient with t(4;14) translocation multiple myeloma

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Delayed complete remission in a patient with multiple myeloma

The patient received 10 treatments of bortezomib and experienced remission 2 months later than expecteed. 

Messaged the authors for a full text and to see how long the patient is/was in remission

[Spontaneous tumor regression in a patient with multiple myeloma. Report of another case]

The patient experienced remission after developing a Staphylococcus aureus infection!! (Similar to Dr. Coley's results with Coley's toxins.) 

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Regression of a localized gastric amyloid mass in a patient treated for multiple myeloma

Interested in what this is about... Messaged authors for full text

From a FB support group called Amyloidosis international: "Welcome in your group For patients,

Treatment here

(Messaged Philippe Amyloidosis Goffart to get an update on his wife and Jeff Anderson regarding his grandmother's success.)

"Marylou, my wife was diagnosed as younger patient of Belgium in March 2014 with multiple myeloma and amylloidosis al in the heart, in juni 2014 the most eminent specialists of France wanted to change her heart which was septum thickness is 19 mm. She underwent 3 months of chemotherapy which was l hell, she has almost dead 3 times, has the end of every cycle. She has of to stop the chemotherapy which caused her a peripheral neuropathy. She has begin has to look after itself with the green tea, of the curcumine, of propolis and other natural things and in August it had another septum measure has 19mm, in November, 17mm, January, 14mm and now 12mm(!!). Blood tests are good, the curcumine and the green the prevent the light chains from going back up. One other friend, Jeff Andersen have is grand mother with this same disease, he give salvestrol and high dosage c vitamin, that work too for disolve amyloids fibrills"

Another remission case, David Emerson:

Multiple Myeloma Diet by David Emerson

I have remained in complete remission through a combination of nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle and mind-body therapies. Anti-angiogenic (anti-Myeloma) nutrition runs throughout these themes. Yes, there are studies that confirm that a multiple myeloma diet works. Or I should say that foods that are anti-angiogenic can be actual therapy that is cytotoxic (kills) multiple myeloma.

If I’m talking to a MM patient, survivor or caregiver who asks me about what I eat, I will say that I follow a Flexitarian diet...sort of. I will mention that diet because it

  1. emphasizes fruits and veggies

  2. allows for a little meat

  3. is flexible (I need this…)

My final comment to whomever is asking, is my overall philosophy- progress, not perfection. I have to say this because…let’s face it…I cheat. Not a lot but I need to acknowledge this. And I have progressed a lot over the years. I don’t cheat nearly as often as I used to. So progress, not perfection… Let me add a few more anti-MM specifics.

  1. Anti-angiogenic foods and supplements are the key to nutrition as MM therapy

  2. A case for MM patients needing red meat (lean) was made in a book called Eat Right For Your Blood Type.

  3. By definition, dieting is a short term solution. I believe that anti-MM nutrition is for the rest of our lives. Find a diet that you can stick to day-in, day-out, for the rest of your life.

But anti-MM foods are only one piece of the evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-MM puzzle.

I was first diagnosed with MM in 1994. I did nothing to my diet or lifestyle to fight my cancer for several years following my diagnosis.  I underwent induction chemotherapy (VAD) and then underwent an autologous stem cell transplant in 12/95. I achieved remission twice and relapsed twice. My oncologist  finally told me that “we can do nothing for you” in 9/97.

I reached complete remission in early 1999 where I have remained since. My Multiple Myeloma Diet is a key component of my anti angiogenic, anti-MM lifestyle. But it is only one lifestyle change I made to fight my MM. I also exercise, sauna, get plenty of rest, don’t drink…you get the idea.

  1. No smoking and as little alcohol as possible (red wine will be discussed below)

  2. As little refined sugar in your diet as you can. I say as little because sugar is in everything. Do your best. Read labels…

  3. As little animal/saturated fat as possible.

  4. Eat lots of fruits and veggies daily.

  5. Learn about and focus your meals on anti-angiogenic foods and supplements. For example, black rasperries, dark chocolate, curcumin (supplement) and resveratrol (supplement) are anti-angiogenic. Conventional standard-of care, FDA approved chemotherapy regimens such as revlimid and thalidomide are also angiogenesis inhibitors.

More info: 

[Spontaneous splenic rupture in a patient with light-chain deposition disease undergoing autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation]

Treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) led to rupture of the spleen in a patient during blood stem cell transplantation. 

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