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The Most Exciting Event of the Year!

Hey friend!

I'm soo excited. Here's why...

In just over a week, for the first time ever, 40 of the most recognized experts in the field of holistic health will be gathered together for a live event to share their knowledge of preventing and healing cancer and other illnesses at The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium.

Among those speaking will be Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, Ocean Robbins, Mike Adams, Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Eric Zielinski, Jeffrey Smith and cancer conquerer Chris Wark, whom I got to meet and interview with at an event we both attended back in April.

I will be attending the conference to become better equipped to help people needing guidance and encouragement on their cancer journey. I can't wait to hear all the information presented and the stories of many people who have overcome seemingly hopeless prognoses.

While tickets are unfortunately sold out, I just found out that the event will be streaming live for everyone for FREE!! And that's why I'm reaching out to you. :)

You can watch the symposium live from the comfort of your own home, together with friends or family, and I recommend taking notes! I will certainly be writing down and trying to learn as much as I can as I'm sure there will be an abundance of information to absorb. After the event I'd love to hear what you took away from the speakers' presentations and compare notes with you. :)

Click here to find out more and to register, and please share this with those you care about who have cancer. It's going to be an amazing event filled with a lot of hope.

I hope you're having a great week, friend, and I hope you'll tune in! Talk to you again soon.


P.S. I'd love to hear from you, leave a comment and let me know if you'll be watching the symposium, and if so, with whom, and what you're looking forward to learning!

P.P.S. This past Friday Chris Wark was in New York to give a talk which my mom and I attended and loved! His message was informative and heartfelt, echoing the hope, motivation and inspiration he shares regularly on his blog as well as in his Square One online cancer coaching program, which I highly recommend! (Find out more about his program here.)

Though the weather wasn't great and all of us eventually got kicked out of the building for taking too long to leave, there was no raining on our parade! I think everyone left smiling.

If you'd like to see my interview with Chris back in April click here.

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