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Happy Thanksgiving! (Healthy Holiday Recipes Inside)

Hey friend!

The holiday season is upon us again, can you believe it?!

For many people on a cancer-fighting regimen this can be a difficult time of year. That's why I wanted to share a couple websites for healthy holiday recipes with you. Some of these look really good!!

If you follow a vegetarian or Gerson diet, you can go to: (including tips for sticking to a cancer diet during the holidays)

If you follow a gluten-free and/or paleo diet, you can go to:

Not only is there Thanksgiving to celebrate this week, but also The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium, which is airing again this weekend for free!! Register here and tune in each day from November 25-27 starting at 9am Eastern.

You will find insight, hope and inspiration from people like Dr. Galina Migalko, Dr. Ben Johnson, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Lee Cowden, Chris Wark, Dr. Robert Scott Bell, Mike Adams, Dr. Eric Zielinski and many others.

There was so much information the doctors and researchers had to share yet so little time, you will probably have more research to do on your own following their presentations (which isn't a bad thing!). If any of it confuses you let me know and I'll do my best to help clarify the issue for you.

Lastly, people at the live Symposium with healing stories were invited to share theirs on camera, so I volunteered to do so. Here it is, in a 15-minute video. Just be warned, it's an emotional one! Cancer is scary, but thanks to God, there is always hope!

For my American friends celebrating Thanksgiving (and everyone else) I pray that you find many things to be grateful for this week. No matter what you're going through, there is something to be grateful for. If you don't feel that way, let me know by emailing me at I'll help you find something.

Enjoy your holiday recipes, and let me know if you try any from the websites above!

With love and gratitude for you!!


P.S. Leave a comment about which recipe(s) you enjoy!

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