Immunotherapy: The Battle Within | Documentary
(Loose transcripts)
German refugee Fred Stein
Infection --> remission
Dr. Kiran Lentz, MD - International Immunology Foundation, Prien, Germany
Ralf Keleef, MD
Int Immune Oncology
Ferre Akbarpour, MD
Chief Medical Director, Orange County Immune Institute
From the Blacklist to the Nobel Prize
By Ralph Moss and the Center for Integrative Oncology present:
Science Writer since 1974
MSKCC lied about it
Fired the next day after holding a press conference about it
Also very interested in the conventional
There are only effective and ineffective treatments
The great untold story is William B. Coley
Biggest cover up is the effectiveness of Coley's toxins. The closest we've ever gotten to curing cancer
Hundreds were cured in the early 1900s.
Rise of radiation and then chemo;
CT incredibly inexpensive
In 1963 against vehement
FDA refused to grandfather in CT
Went against their own rules and didn't allow it
THE ACS put it on its list of unproven
The most damning thing that could happen
Eveything conspired against it
Working actively behind the scenes to prevent any further research
Helen and Lloyd J Old - joined at the hip
Helen had no formal training but Lloyd Old was one of the most eminent immunologists of his day
He was the Senior VP at MSKCC 1973-1986
Dr. Lentz
Detected TNC-alpha - uses every day
Successor of Dr. Old is James P. Allison, PhD, 2018 Nobel Prize winner
In 1960s became aware of Lloyd's work and T cells and the T cell receptor. Decided he wanted to unravel T cells.
Do you want to know where we get all our new ideas from? ACS book Unproven Methods of Cancer Management - this is the "Bible"
Helen had no official position but founded the Cancer Research Institute
Fund 150 post doc trainings yearly - Kleef was one of them
Honorary doctorate from Rockefeller University - mostly helens' effort - 20 monographs on her dad's work
Successes were extraordinary
Case after case with ppl of dire disease who survived 30, 40, 50 years
Lloyd despaired of opposing the establishment
Let's go to the root
Can't prove in RCTs
Coley died the year before the RCT was invented
Lloyd directed 200mill toward research cancer immunotherapy and recruited 1000 researchers into the field
Ralf Kleef = Certificate from MSKCC for Resarch fellow in the lab of Dr. Dana Bovberg - 9/12/94
Felt he was back to his roots
James Allison - immune surveillance
The IS has antitumor effects
One of the greatest immunologists in the world
How the IS relates to the IS
Immune checkpoint inhibitors - Yervoy (ipi), Opdivo (nivolumab), Keytruda (pembrolizumab) have revolutionized the way cancer is treated today
T cells are being controlled by checkpoint inhibitors
Blocking the blocking
22 yo woman - brain, liver lung mets. Hospice when she got ipi - tumors went away (14 y ago)
Dr. Said she should think about not having babies
Had melanoma - had her life. Had 2 kids
10 and 7 y.o.
Phase 1 trial from 2001 woman - single dose and is still alive
19 years out no more treatments
Biopsy - never shows cancer - scar tissue where the fight was going on
High dose xrt and chemo suppress IS but studies show that chemo doesn't work all that well in animals that don't have immune systems
There is an immune component to chemo
Ferre Akbarpour, MD
Mark Rosenberg, MD Medical Director, Advanced Medical Therapeutics
Awakened the health care industry to immunotherapy for cancer
Keytruda - Carter's melanoma
Rosen - uses CPI in low doses in combo with other techniques - complete remission
Sometimes no effect, the right, or overwhelming - hard to predict
Some died in early trials - no adverse effects in mice except vitiligo - no wt loss
Then gave 10, 100x as high. No adverse events whatsoever then bam in humans
Kept mice as clean as they can keep them
Humans - lots of infections
Developed algorithms
Almost no colitis now - that was what killed people early on.
Correlation now between AE and response - more likely to have good outcome when you have adverse events
Many links between early development of Nauts and Old and the currnt accptance of immunotherapy
Institute have only have two
Wife Pam won the award also
Scientific board of CRI to promote Coley's work
Rosenberg: set is on fire (CT) - doing similar with CPIs
No research going on into CT - CRI's stance: modern immunotherapy are better than CT - why would we bother use Coley's?
Rosenberg: cost
Moss: CPIs cost ~ 150k per pt
Actual cost: as high as 1mil per person
Rosenberg: Typically insurance won't pay - out of pocket or it won't happen
Moss: Poor country like Peru - new immunotherapy could only reach 5% of the population and 10% in the richest country in Latin America
90% of humanity is left out of the population
With GMP would cost 1-2000 to treat each individual - I could make this stuff in my sleep.
Every country could make it; no patent on it
Independent of American academic institution
In 1970s clinics
Dr. Lawrence Burton in Freeport Bahamas.
Was asked to comment on it.
Similar in some ways to CPI but never given the recognition it deserved.
Model for many things that have come since then
Interested in exploring
German speaking part of Europe -
Including Prien, Germany
Immunopheresis for cancer - remove something and giving something from the body
Southern Bavaria
Lake Chmesee
Where they can get well
Natural medicine
No chemo at all
Subtractive therapy - remove something made by the body - natural things
Destroy the cancer
Blaocking factors - inhibitors protect the cancer cells
Plasma - found a way to remove them effectively - filter has a lot of membranes with pores
Some particles stay in the
Wash the patient's blood
Takes over several hours; break; absorber is regenerated then can be used again
Can work on all different cancers
Natalya 2008 stage 4 breast cancer
Healing device "Karl"
4-5 hours on computer for treatment
No problems
Go home - that's it
Very soft w/o any problems
Cold sometimes
Can have shivering or cold feeling like CT - immune response
Hot water
Elevated temp - trembling uncontrollable
Liver or bone mets can feel something
Pain for that
Relaxing thing - very few side effects
Wanted immune effects - no side effects only + effects
Checkpoint inhibitors amazing
Wanted to get out of
CE Mark - Cert. safe and effective can sell in countries that acknowledge it
Some Univ collaborate with them
At the moment available there in Bavaria
Vienna, Austria
Ralf Kleef - past 15 years
Nobody believes it but they can show it
Fever - virus, bact or cancer cell.
Chronic malignat inflamm or acure inflamm response - fever
Should be able to develop fever - not good to not have fever - one time every two years is enough
9,900 majority would say no fever
No one interested because can't patent fever
Generate mild fever inside tumor tissue
I-2 originally develped for
Repurposed it
Careful monitoring
Will be able to initiate studies in large prospective trials
To show that it's safe and effective
Duderstadt, Germany
Nesselhut Clinic
Thomas Nesselhut, MD, PhD and his son and daughter also MDs, have been using DC vax for the last 20 years
Cancer is part of the IS. Started in 1996 in conventional oncology and saw low success rate. The promise that it could improve cancer was only for a short time. Typical BC w/mets - 1st step: enough WBC, monocytes, HGB, Platelets (IS - and monocytes)
WBCs of -
Separate monocytes then fractionate them and infuse them that bring down inflammation
Combine local hyperthermia w/DCs - combos make it more likely to have a success.
Choose animal viruses from vaccinations of animals.
Newcastle disease - 1st used in 1995 but have noted other viruses that are more successful. Choose any viruses. Vaccinations of animals. Birds/chicken - humans can't get the disease, just the tumor gets infection
Beautiful discrimination
1 activated killer cell cell can kill 200k tumor cells
Resect tumor and immediately give vac after surg
If inject the vaccine directly after surgery - the survival rate is fantastic.
80-100% survival
No inflam - no cancer
Ca is inflammatory process
Understanding more about the IS is the possibility of realyy curing not just reating sympt
Cologne, Germany
The IOZK Clinic using cancer-killing viruses
Tumor-specific immune therapy